Aiming to Be On Top of Your SEO Game? Here Are Some Must-Follow Strategies

The speed at which the SEO ecosystem keeps evolving is incredible. Everyone who owns a digital presence wants to be on top of the game. It is a common phenomenon to desire to be on top of the Google ranking pages. No matter how much SEO is slow, painful, and full of patience, there are still some shortcut tricks to SEO success. If done right, it will help you achieve your marketing goals. 

Changing search engine results pages (SERPs) and Google algorithms depends on how web pages are constantly monitored, optimized, and analyzed to obtain the best possible rank. Below listed are some must-follow strategies. 

But first, if you are not aware of your website ranking, try using Keyword Rank Checker, a commonly used tool to determine your page ranking based on keyword search.

Appropriate keyword research:


The first stage in any SEO plan is to conduct keyword research. What is one of the most effective methods for locating keywords your target consumers use? It’s simple. Start typing a keyword into Google’s search bar, and a list of options will appear. These are excellent SEO keywords because they are directly from Google. Which shows you’re aware that people are looking for them. Remember that long-tail keywords are less competitive than short-tail keywords. Once you’ve identified a few keywords, look at which of your competitors already ranks for those terms and closely examine their content pattern. 

You can also use a keyword tool like Semrush or Ubersuggest to assess the search volume and competition levels for certain terms and keywords.

Publish relevant, regular, and readable content:


The number one driver of your search engine rankings is quality, authoritative content, and there is no substitute for outstanding content, especially when it comes to SEO marketing. The most important step for acing any SEO strategy is to create and publish evergreen, high-quality content for your website. If you want to attract quality traffic to your website, ensure your content is relevant and engaging to your target demographic. 


Consider employing a content marketing agency to assist you in creating more SEO-centric content. If your content is tailored to your target audience, it boosts site traffic, authority and relevance. That apart, brief and relevant content seldom results in higher bounce rates. Remember to also align your content as per search or user intent. It is Google’s ultimate priority to fulfill the search intent of users. Moreover, top-ranked or first page ranked results have all passed the search intent test of Google. 

4 types of search or user intent. Source

Content optimization with compelling titles, tags, and relevant visuals:


There is one thing about writing relevant content, and there’s another about the right content optimization. The essential components of on-page SEO optimization like the URL, meta description, meta tag, and title must be on-point. Also, do not overlook click-through rate (CTR) while crafting meta titles. Higher CTR equals more traffic from the same amount of search volume. 


The meta description is also a significant factor. A meta description is a short explanation of a page that appears after the title tag in SERPs. Although meta descriptions have no direct impact on search rankings, they do impact CTR. Another type of content optimization which is sometimes ignored is image optimization and providing alt text for all visuals.


This is what Google says about alt text and its features:

“When choosing alt text, focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and is in context of the content of the page. Avoid filling alt attributes with keywords (keyword stuffing) as it results in a negative user experience and may cause your site to be seen as spam.”

Improve the user experience on web pages:


Reduce the time it takes for a page to load, the weight of the page, and the number of system resources it uses, all of which have a favourable impact on performance. Longer loading sites lower the ranking and leave behind disgruntled users. Various free tools are available to help you test your page speed, including Google’s PageSpeed Insights and GTMetrix. Compressing images, enabling browser caching, deleting superfluous plugins, and using relevant backlinks are some more quick and easy ways to increase page speed. Internal links from your site’s top-ranking pages to sites that need a boost are also smart and effective SEO techniques.

Mobile-first SEO strategy:


Mobile devices account for the majority of searches and half of all sales. 79% of smartphone users have completed an online transaction using their device in the last six months. Google said in March 2020 that it would predominantly crawl sites using its mobile smartphone user-agent. This means that your site’s mobile version will be crawled and indexed before the desktop version. As a result, any new site you create should be mobile-friendly. Mobile optimization is a proven method to make the site’s content readily available and accessible to your target audience on different mobile devices, ensuring a similar or better experience than desktop browsers.

Wayforward and final thoughts:

The aforementioned SEO best practices are an excellent place to start if you want to improve your search rankings. Once you’ve implemented these best practices, make sure you’re keeping up with the current SEO trends and employing other SEO strategies regularly to stay ahead of the competition.

Are you looking to outsource your web development, branding, SEO, and content marketing to a professional agency that can offer advice and guidance in creating your website and landing pages? Reach out to  

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